The Tourism Development Fund (TDF) allows the Tourism & Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) to make a contribution to the actions and decisions that help tourism in Guyana. We do this by collecting a small voluntary contribution from our visitors.
Hotels, lodges and resorts are asked to politely request of their guests a US$1 for each night of their stay. A letter will be provided to the establishment to display in their room or at their front desk.
Proceeds will be used on three areas:
From the funds collected, 40% will be spent on marketing, 30% on product development and 30% on capacity building and training.
The TDF is by a Special Committee comprising of representatives who ensure that projects undertaken by the fund a strong impact in these areas. THAG will use its existing resources to administer the projects to allow ALL contributions directly distributed towards the projects.
The representatives include:
Properties that have currently contribute to the fund are as follows: