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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has partnered with THAG for Guyana Restaurant Week to promote the use of local seafood and encourage local consumption. Participating restaurants are encouraged to have at least one local seafood dish on their GRW menus.

Guyana is the No. 1 Producer of Atlantic Seabob

Guyana is the world’s largest producer of Atlantic seabob shrimp, a commercially important shrimp captured from the Atlantic coast of the US down to Brazil. Through the FISH4ACP Project, with funding primarily from the European Union and other donors, FAO is working to improve the value chain of Atlantic seabob, promote sustainable production, and support local livelihoods. The project aims to encourage local consumption while ensuring the sustainability of our resources.

Along with strengthening Guyana's position as a leading exporter of seabob shrimp while ensuring the long-term stability of stocks and bringing more benefits to local fisherfolk, especially women, FAO is also building capacities in governance, marketing, data management, infrastructure improvement, and reducing bycatch in both artisanal and industrial actors.

Additionally, FAO is working with the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries Department to support several initiatives to enhance both the artisanal and industrial components of the fisheries sector:

Calipseo Implementation: An open-source web application for national fisheries information systems to manage administrative data, collect and store fisheries data, compute collected data into statistical indicators, and exchange/disseminate statistics for analysis.

Occupational Health and Safety: Working with trawlers to improve occupational health and safety standards.

Fish Cooperatives Support: Assisting fish cooperatives with administration and expansion efforts.

Women's Leadership and Business Development: Empowering women through leadership training, business development, and management to foster collective action in managing groups.

Seabob Handling Practices: Providing training on seabob handling to increase food safety and quality.

Catch Data Collection and Monitoring: Enhancing methods for collecting and monitoring catch data.

Communication Strategy for Artisanal Fishers: Implementing strategies to improve communication among stakeholders in the artisanal fishing community